Bat Surveys
Protected Species Surveys > Bat Surveys
All species of bat, their breeding sites and resting places are strictly protected in England by European and UK legislation.
If you’re applying for planning permission to develop or carry out building work that might disrupt a habitat for bats, you will be required to produce a bat survey.
Survey Methods
The type of survey you require will depend on the type of development. We have one set of surveys that cover buildings, structures and underground sites, and another for trees. We can advise on this to ensure that we undertake the correct survey to meet your planning obligations.
Stage 1 Roost Assessment
A stage 1 survey will involve an initial assessment of the site to look for potential to support bat roosts. It can be carried out at any time of the year. Bats commonly roost in buildings and trees so any buildings or trees that may be impacted by works are assessed internally and externally for evidence of bats and potential roosting features If it involves inspecting trees, the best time is December to March when leaves are absent.
Stage 2 Emergence/Re-entry
If the initial assessment identifies the existence or potential for roosts further surveys will normally be required. Stage II surveys must be undertaken between May to September. Multiple visits may be required to determine the presence of roosts.
Following the survey we will provide a detailed report showing our findings and any required mitigation. If required we can develop a suitable mitigation plan for you
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