Botanical Surveys
Protected Species > Botanical Surveys
Surveys detailing plant life present on your project site are often needed to determine the possible presence, or absence, of protected plant species before development.
Survey Methods
A phase 1 survey is a map of habitats, communities and a plant species present within the proposed development site providing a snapshot of the landscape and surrounding area. The species found are used to assign a habitat type following guidance set out by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. It is a relatively fast and widely accepted method for mapping habitats.
Phase II surveys
Phase II surveys are usually required if initial ecological site investigations have identified habitats of potential nature conservation value and confirmation of their status is required. Phase II uses the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) system to identify and map vegetation using defined plant community types.
The results of any Phase II habitat surveys undertaken are collated into a report which includes a detailed description of the habitats/species present together with an assessment of their importance and maps showing location/distribution.
If an important habitat/species is likely to be affected by a development, the results are usually incorporated into an Ecological Impact Assessment and if required we can develop a suitable mitigation plan for you.
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